Zohaib Shahid

If you are a people person, who likes to network and wants to hone your soft skills quickly, then a student ambassador role is for you.

  • Programme: Digital Technologies PhD
  • Previous degree(s): B.E Electronics Engineering and MS Information Security, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

Why I applied to be a Student Ambassador

During my undergraduate and postgraduate study, I have always tried to keep a healthy balance of extracurricular activities. I enjoy interacting with my peers and organising events to promote the university. The university welcomes students from around the world, and being a PGR student ambassador, I ‘m keen to interact and learn from different. As a student ambassador, I also want to help students understand the importance of research and support them to pursue higher graduate degrees such as a PhD.

There are various jobs and activities, and you get the opportunity to work alongside students, staff and senior management. The skills gained will come in handy when employed after you graduate - remember that university life is not just classes and assignments; but the opportunity to gain additional skills and experience, which the student ambassador role offers.

The application process 

I found the application process to be fair but challenging. The recruiters take due diligence as part of the application process.

Highlights of being a Student Ambassador

Being able a student ambassador has allowed me to work in a myriad of activities like calling campaigns to support new students and providing advice on how to settle in at the university, conducting university campus tours, and most of all, interacting with different cultures.

Skills development

I can confidently multitask, communicate well and interact with diverse groups from different cultures and backgrounds.

As a researcher, you must be able to multitask, accommodate different perspectives in your work and communicate finding well. The student ambassador role has indeed helped me significantly with that.

Tips for balancing work and study

Make sure you carefully prioritise your tasks (study and/or job). Things can become overwhelming quite quickly, but by staying calm and planning correctly, you can manage your workload and responsibilities well. Remember to be ready to flexible every now and then.