Pathikrit Pal

Working as a student ambassador has convinced me that I want to work with young people and that if I am able to leave an impact in their lives, it gives me tremendous satisfaction.

  • Programme: Sport Analytics and Technologies MSc
  • Undergraduate degree: Computer Science Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, India

Why I applied to be a Student Ambassador

I previously worked with a higher education company back in India, and I really enjoyed my time there because I was helping them address doubts related to their career progression, and which courses and universities they could focus on. I felt that the Student Ambassador role would allow me to do something similar where I could address queries for prospective students wanting to study at the university.

The application process 

I would recommend not delaying the application to the last moment, as the initial questionnaire does take time to complete and submit, but the questions are straightforward, and the interview process is quite similar as well. The team were quite accommodating for our schedules amidst our classes, so I found that nice as well.  

Highlights of being a Student Ambassador

I was part of an International Students’ Focus Group discussion with other students. The discussion focused on challenges faced by students coming from abroad while studying at the university and what could be done to address them. The university also got to learn the things students value and how they could further enhance them. To me, this discussion showed that the university really cares about the student perspective and is constantly striving to give students the best environment to excel.

Skills development

I get to work with students from diverse backgrounds and nationalities which is something I think will stand me in good stead for my career after my degree. Another related skill whilst working as a student ambassador has been just managing my time and responding to emails as soon as I receive them.

Tips for balancing work and study

At the university, we have the benefit of teaching delivered in three-week blocks, followed by one week for submitting assignments. This allows me to undertake a part-time job and have time to focus on my submission. The system is flexible and allows you to choose your own routine.