Vanessa Valerian D’souza

Vanessa studied our International Management MSc programme and graduated in 2024.

  • Country / region: India
  • Programme: International Management MSc
Vanessa Valerian D’souza

My journey to Loughborough University London

I did my bachelor's degree in Business Management from Mumbai, India and afterwards I worked for a year and a half as a Relationship Manager at a consultancy company. However, I still had a passion for constant learning which led me to do a master's degree. Given my interest in the various aspects of international business, it only felt right for me to do my masters in International Management at Loughborough University, London.

Teaching at Loughborough University London

I liked how the course was segregated into different modules and how each module was interconnected with one another. In particular, I was pleasantly surprised by the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ module where I gained an in-depth understanding of sustainability for businesses and the role of corporates in mitigating the effects of various social issues like climate change, forced labour, etc.

Career development

The curriculum was designed to bridge theory with real-world application. Courses included case studies, group projects, and internships, all of which provided hands-on experience and practical skills directly applicable to various professional settings.

Loughborough's strong ties with industry leaders and alumni network offered numerous networking opportunities. Group projects and collaborative assignments taught me how to work effectively in diverse teams, manage conflicts, and leverage each member's strengths to achieve common goals, all of which are essential skills in any workplace.

Loughborough University London offers a wealth of networking opportunities through guest lectures, industry events, and alumni connections. This can be really helpful when building a strong professional network that can open doors for your future career.

Highlights of my time at Loughborough

The EDI Conference 2024 was held at Seville, Spain. I submitted my dissertation paper titled- Bridging Borders: Exploring Immigrant Employees' Perspectives on Organizational Inclusion on my supervisor’s suggestion. The conference was a remarkable experience that offered a wealth of insights and learning opportunities.

The conference featured several inspiring keynote speakers who are leaders in EDI initiatives. Their speeches provided deep insights into the current state of diversity and inclusion globally and highlighted innovative approaches and success stories from various organizations. The interactive workshops provided practical tools and techniques for implementing EDI initiatives. The conference facilitated numerous networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with like-minded professionals and build valuable relationships.

Attending the EDI Conference 2024 was a deeply enriching experience. It broadened my understanding of the complexities and nuances of EDI work and reinforced the importance of sustained effort and commitment in this field. The conference not only equipped me with practical strategies and tools to advocate for and implement EDI initiatives but also inspired me by showcasing the positive changes already underway in various sectors.

My advice for future students

The program emphasizes interactive learning, so actively participate in discussions, group projects, and case studies. Make use of the university’s career services from the start. They offer valuable resources such as CV workshops, interview preparation, and job placement assistance that can help you secure internships and job opportunities.

Lastly, Stay curious, be open to new ideas, and continuously seek out additional learning opportunities, whether through workshops, additional courses, or self-study.